Why do African Americans get more Colon Cancer than native Africans?

Download the full study by clicking on the PDF image above. Abstract The incidence of colorectal cancer (CRC) is dramatically higher in African Americans (AAs) than in Native Africans (NAs) (60:100,000 vs. ,1:100,000) and slightly higher than in Caucasian Americans (CAs). To explore whether the difference could be explained by interactions between diet and colonic bacterial flora,…

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Can nutrition effect the development of Multiple Sclerosis?

Download the full study by clicking on the PDF image above. Abstract To date, little is known about the aetiology of multiple sclerosis (MS). The onset of this disease is generally after puberty, reaching its peak incidence at age 30. The literature suggests a higher incidence in women than in men (3:2 ratio), in whites…

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Can lifestyle changes reverse coronary heart disease?

Download the full study by clicking on the PDF image above. Abstract In a prospective, randomised, controlled trial to determine whether comprehensive lifestyle changes affect coronary atherosclerosis after 1 year, 28 patients were assigned to an experimental group (low-fat vegetarian diet, stopping smoking, stress management training, and moderate exercise) and 20 to a usual-care control…

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Junk food babies

It should be of no surprise that what you put in is what you get out. Below is another interesting study that seems to again back this up. In my opinion, we should try to cut this type of food (if it really is food!) out of our diets regardless if you are pregnant or…

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Will green tea help you lose weight?

As I have been living and working in China for quite some time I have consumed quite a lot of “green tea”, something that many Chinese consume on a daily basis. Many people have told me that drinking it often can can bring fantastic health benefits. So is it true? Can it fight disease, can…

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Do less calories mean more life?

Do you want to know how to stay looking young and live for longer?  If so this article may be of interest. Do remember however that a calorie is just a number and a number does not tell you if it’s a “healthy” calorie or a “non-healthy” calorie. Also, the words “low-fat” must not be…

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Is excess coffee toxic?

Time and time again my clients ask me “is coffee good for me?” or “am I drinking too much?” The answer unfortunately is not a simple one. I could argue for many hours either way! The most important points that I like to raise however, is the quality of the coffee going into their bodies…

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What’s the healthiest way to calm your baby?

Following the birth of our beautiful second son Jasper, I thought this article and study was quite interesting. If you are feeling stressed and need to calm down how about just jumping into your mums arms! Researchers show that human babies and mouse pups alike automatically and deeply relax when they are carried Parents know…

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Can stress really make babies?

I have to say that when I first saw this article and read the research, my initial reaction was “this is a good thing”.  But, after letting the information sink in a bit, it seemed to make a lot of sense with what a previous blog of mine was saying about alarming cancer statistics.  Stress…

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How to safely surf the new year cancer wave

I recently came across this rather alarming news report from the BBC, which in all fairness, doesn’t seem that surprising when you think of the lifestyles that most of us now live. Full of stress, full of unwholesome, unnatural foods and most of us living in “toxic” sprawling urban environments. The world is out of…

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